Tuesday 17 January 2017

Continuing scary!

Yesterday brought some even more frightening news....Gove was talking about his visit to Trump Towers!
The disaffected politicians in this country , failing to find satisfactory platforms have been flying the Atlantic to talk to the president elect who has been happy to be seen with them!
Farage first, then Gove, others will certainly follow....
Last night I watched an excellent TV program about the Russian connection and the subject of the latest scandals exposed 'this week.
Donald Trump will be inaugurated at the end of the week and it really is scary....
Surrounding himself with trusted people is essential but some of the people the Donald trusts are not trusted by the rest of the world!
I feel sorry for our Prime minister, today trying to make sense of our approach to the Brexit dilemma.
No wonder David Cameron resigned....her job is impossible right now.
She can simply not please anyone, not even those who cheered after 23 June!
I can't remember another time like this.
People voted for change.
They are certainly going to get it....it is time to cling on to whatever stability exists in our lives....
Change hurts!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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