Tuesday 21 February 2017

Back to the West Wing.

It's grey outside...this is a reflection of my present mood.
All sorts of tiny problems are taking centre stage in my head at a time when I have other things to do...
My new neighbours arrive this morning and I shall be very glad to see them....
My diary is filling up day by day as old friends plan lunches out and visits to interesting places...
And yet I stay fairly pensive for no good reason....
What's going on in the world has affected this mood.
Famine, caused by war is killing children in Sudan.
A battle to regain Mosul still rages.
I have lots of good things happening and I don't spend my day in misery and yet the feeling grows that we are living through a massive period of change..
I have gone back to an old habit...the box sets!
It's easier to watch soap on the TV.
The West Wing is once again performing the role of comfort blanket. When all else fails watching this wonderfully scripted series entertains and occasionally enlightens...
In this Trump debacle it is good to return to another time reflected with excellent dialogue, familiar characters and interesting plots.
I hope this feeling of being slightly at sea in the world is just me...but I suspect many of us have the same worrying disjointed feeling.
But it is now Spring here!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Unsettled is the feeling that you describe. Unvertainty about the world, the country and those suffering.

Prayer and distraction techniques are the only things available to any of us.

Mine is to go to my family tree and work on that - it numbs the brain in a way, with a mixture of excitement when you find someone new.